Thursday, October 13, 2011


You are, the air I breathe,
The water that quench my thirst,
The substance that fills my hunger,
The eyes, that empower me to see,
The ears, that enables me to hear.

Life without you, would have no meaning,
Life without your touch, would have no feelings,
Life without your kisses, would taste sour,
Life without your essence, would lead my being to wonder lost,
Life without your being, would make mine to perish,
Life without your love, would slowly suffocate, the air out my soul.

That's why I cherish
Every rise of the sun,
Every moonlit night,
Every hour,
Every minute,
Every second of life,
We spend as one...


  1. I cherish everything about u baby!! Loving u 2 life & beyond My King!

  2. I love you to Life & Beyond my Queen!!!!
